Feeling good again!

The new drug from the neurologist seems to be working! I haven’t had a headache all day – even the nagging little background headache that’s tolerable but annoying! I’m still pretty tired, but the neurologist said that that side effect would fade in a few days. I definitely have a much better understanding for what it’s like to not be a morning person.

I’m hoping to get back to work next week – I’m still waiting on word from my doctor. I’m amazed at how good I feel – living with that kind of pain for that long and then not feeling it all of a sudden. I’m listening to music again! I’m so freakin’ happy!!

2 responses to “Feeling good again!”

  1. I admire your perseverance, Jake. This has been a tough road, but my hope is that you
    are back on the super highway.

  2. Great new Jake. It’s beautiful if brisk out. Great day to be alive.

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