I know, I know. Yet another post about post (in)frequency. I’ll make no excuses; I’ve neglected this blog for several months. I guess it’s a combination of Twitter, free time, and Winter blahs. Strangely enough, now that I’m starting to get motivated again, I’m also about to get really busy with the web dev thing. I have two bids due by the end of the week, one site about to ramp up to the final stages, and another site coming up very soon. Not to mention updates to current sites getting our OWN site up and running. I’m excited, honored, and nervous about all of this. I still can’t believe I actually get paid to do this stuff, it started out as a hobby.
In other news, I’ve finally joined the exciting world of scooters. I bought a 2002 Genuine Stella. Here she is:

I also bought a bright orange helmet:

I’ve been wanting one for a while. I don’t work far from home and it seems a little wasteful to drive a car every day. Beside, it’s a blast! I’m having a hard time parking it when I get to work, I just want to keep riding! The second day I had it I rode it out to my mom’s in Prairie Village, down State Line. I guess I took to it like a fish IN water – I can’t believe I waited this long to get one! The Stella is based on the older style of scooters, all metal – very solid with a manual transmission and a 150cc engine. She’ll get up to 70mph or so.
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